A New Year: Sewing Goals for 2022

The beginning of a new year, the possibility to look forward and back at the same time on one of the most important planning days of the year. Read on the see what I have planned for my sewing goals for 2022.

Okay, so we have had a couple of rough years. I am feeling apathy, caution and tension in the air. Will the next year be the same? Do we even care anymore? Will this ever end!? Is it worth it to make plans, holiday plans; study plans; work goals and personal goals?

Of course, we should, we should plan, study, have goals, look forward to the future. This is all temporary, while we are here it is sometimes overwhelming, or we are over it even though it continues, but it is temporary. So, once again, I am revamping the blog, looking at what I can offer in the coming year. Looking at my sewing plans including gaps in my wardrobe. In fact, I am feeling really positive.

Sewing Goals for 2022

Below is a short run down of ideas I have for The Sewing Movement in 2022.

Revamping my wardrobe:

I have been a bit lazy with my clothes, not thinking before I buy something, buying just to have something new. The key word is buying, this year I am going to redo my wardrobe with nearly only me made makes. I’ll do a more detailed post next week, but for now, I am concentrating on –
• Tweaking my style
• Making the perfect fitted pants
• Not buying anything except basics. I am not ready for undies and bras.

Starting a clothing brand:

This goal has been on the back burner for a while. I have made very slow progress, but now I have a solid goal setting strategy that is moving me forward. To find out what I might be designing, I will be posting clues on my Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Follow my socials and see if you can guess.

How to Sew:

I have often found myself searching for how-tos for all sorts of sewing problems and no doubt other people are doing similar. So, gathering all the how-tos into one place is definitely be helpful for others and myself when I need to find something. Therefore, I will be starting a segment of how to sew. Some of them will be hosted by me and others will be links to various, blogs, courses, YouTube videos etc. that other people have done.

Sewing machine sewing.  Sewing goals 2022

Posting regularly:

Now I know this is my hardest goal. I start off with great ideas, and then fizzle off when real life catches up with me. In fact, I want to post at least once a week on the blog, a weekly You Tube segment, regular pictures on Instagram and Pinterest and a monthly newsletter.
I am really hoping you will join me this year. There are a ton of ideas, besides the ones above, that I really want to share with you. Plus am just feeling positive about the new year. Here’s hoping I can find you where ever you are, and we can go on this Sewing Movement journey together.

Happy 2022 World!

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