Making up two Sewaholic patterns…

…finally I am going to sew up the latest patterns I have from Sewaholics, and Colette Patterns. I am starting with 2 great Sewaholic patterns, the  Thurlow Trousers and the new Alma Blouse.


The Thurlow Trouser


The Alma Blouse


Will upload the fabric I am using tomorrow.  I am using some random fabric from my stash, both polyesters I think, the shorts will be in a bright pink, and the blouse in a silky, pink and peach, flowery  material.  I am doing View A in the Alma blouse, and the shorts in the Thurlow, so was going to use the bright pink as the belt for the blouse and the flowery material as the belt for the shorts.  I think that might be too matchy matchy though.


So these are the fabrics I am using, still not sure about my choices, but I think it will be a  fun set for spring and summer.

Material for the Thurlow Trousers
Material for the Alma Blouse



  1. I swear I will use all the right tools and materials when sewing 🙂
  2. Trace my patterns using my new role of Swedish tracing paper.  Haven’t used this before, but have read good reviews so looking forward to it.
  3. Make both by the end of this weekend. (today is Wednesday)

Check back Monday for results.

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