The challenge for 2014…

…One goal I have this year is to actually complete a sewing challenge I enter!  I was reading a blog, Lucky Lucille, and the author has set herself a challenge to limit herself to only 12 patterns for the entire year.  You can read her basic rules on her site here.  I thought this was a great idea, so I’m going to try something similar.  I do have a wardrobe dilemma, there I’ve said it, I love to sew, but I just can’t decide on what, out of all the patterns available to me, I should sew!  I am hoping that taking on this challenge and also making use of the Colette Patterns, Wardrobe Architect posts, I will have a core collection of clothing, that not only work together, but that I love!  Can’t wait!!

The Wardrobe Architect


So I am making my initial collection on Pinterest, I only have a few patterns in there so far, it is quite hard deciding exactly what to chose when you place a limit on yourself.  Plus I am working through the Coletterie wardrobe posts before I really decide which patterns to use.

My 12 pattern goal will only apply to my personal wardrobe, as I also sew for the rest of the family, but they will also only get a limited amount of patterns to chose from, not just me!  I am also choosing 5 extra patterns later on in the year for holiday wear, as we’ll be going on a cruise at some time so need to start planning for that 🙂

Well if I’m being truthful my pattern goal will be ‘around’ 12 patterns, I have three separate shirt dresses that I like equally so will muslin all three before deciding on one, I also want to sew some lingerie, so will add a bustier (if it suits me), and a slip, half slip, camisole pattern, as I have none currently in my wardrobe ( jersey??).

So my goal for 2014 will be:

  • Decide on my style.
  • Choose my 12ish patterns, 2 or 3 dresses, two shorts, two pair of pants, two blouses, one long coat, one short coat and two skirts: full circle and Aline/straight?, lingerie pattern.
  • Sew a muslin for all 12 patterns to ensure perfect fit.  If the pattern doesn’t suit at muslin stage, it will be dropped for another pattern.

So I have these so far:

Anise from Colette Patterns
1 SHORT JACKET – Anise from Colette Patterns
Clover from Colette Patterns
2 PANTS ONE – Clover from Colette Patterns
Gerties pencil skirt pintucks
3 SKIRT ONE – Gerties pencil skirt pintucks
Gerties shirt dress
4 DRESS ONE – Gerties shirt dress
Alma Blouse Sewaholics
5 SHIRT/BLOUSE ONE – Alma Blouse Sewaholics
SKIRT TWO - Drafting a circle skirt by hand london
7 SKIRT TWO – Drafting a circle skirt by hand london
SHORTS ONE - Sailor Girl Playsuit - Wearing HIstory
8 SHORTS ONE – Sailor Girl Playsuit – Wearing HIstory
PANTS TWO - Smooth Sailing Togs Wearing history
9 PANTS TWO – Smooth Sailing Togs Wearing history
DRESS TWO - Swing Dress - Sense and SEnsibility
10 DRESS TWO – Swing Dress – Sense and SEnsibility
BLOUSE/DRESS THREE - Scarf Neck Blouse = Burda Style
11 BLOUSE/DRESS THREE – Scarf Neck Blouse = Burda Style

I absolutely need a dress I can just chuck on in the morning that is comfortable and versatile, and possibly one in a stretch fabric of some kind.

Am going to try and make my own matching belts for my clothing.

Think I will photograph my wardrobe as it is made or bought, sort of like a library of what I have and what I need.

I am also amping up the knitting and crochet from hats and mittens, to twinsets, jumpers and lace.  So these also have to be considered as part of my complete wardrobe.

Really want to get into knits more, I will make the lingerie out of jersey so I should get plenty of practice.

Well that’s it for now.  Just finished my first knitting project for 2014, so will get onto photographing that and carrying on with my second one.

2 thoughts on “The challenge for 2014…

  1. This is a brilliant idea! I keep buying patterns and haven’t tried sewing up most of them, maybe I need to try this method. I am always envious of those sewing bloggers who manage to turn out a new project every week, but their secret seems to be reusing the same patterns over and over, so perhaps this is the solution. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know I’m the same when I see all these women on their blogs and all their projects! That just might be their secret, to reuse favourite patterns. Hope you try choosing twelve patterns also, it is hard because the Indy companies are always bringing out new patterns I just have to sew up hehe!

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